Your Empowered BEST Chiropractor
It is truly wonderful when a patient begins to see that they don’t need to take a drug. They open up to more options in natural healing. The true healer of the body does not lie in a prescription; the true healer lies within ourselves! D. Kathryn Lawson, an Empowered BEST chiropractor, helps you be the BEST You that you were created to be. It begins with the Chiropractic adjustment.
It begins with making better choices.
What is BEST?
Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique or BEST is based on the mind/ body connection. The Empowered BEST technique facilitates the body’s ability to heal and communicate with itself. It is a dynamic, effective non-force, hands on procedure used to help re-establish the full potential of the Autonomic Nervous System. A BEST chiropractor acknowledges the concept of interference.

Dr. Kathryn Lawson, a holistic Empowered BEST chiropractor, talks about BEST at her office in Decatur, GA.
We create this interference with our conscious mind and then it becomes stored in the subconscious mind. Possibly inherited from our family line or from programing from when we were younger or even from our daily habits and choices, this interference can cause a multitude of imbalances in how our bodies function. Chronic mental/emotional issues and traumas either physical or emotional can become stored in the body’s memory and physiology
When this occurs, the autonomic nervous system responds by engaging the fight/fright/flight or also known as defense physiology. When one lives in this state of defense physiology, many symptoms can manifest such as chronic tight and stiff muscles and soft tissue, exhaustion of the organs and glandular systems and the worse is accelerated aging, burn out, insomnia and eventually disease!

Dr. Kathryn Lawson, a holistic Empowered BEST chiropractor, practices the BEST technique at her office in Decatur, GA.
By touching specific key contact points in the proper sequence with proper energy, and having one think about a specific memory stress, the sub- conscious interference can be released. Thus allowing the body to re- communicate with the brain.
Remember, the brain is the master controller. Every single tissue, organ and cell (and their functions) are controlled by the brain. Once the patterns of defense physiology that have been rooted in the autonomic nervous system are unlocked, the body’s physiology can begin to re-balance and re-establish it’s full healing potential.